How can OCD be treated?



ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is used for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Lee Baer, PhD says that ERP is based on habituation, which is the body's ability to become accustomed through practice.  There are other theories of how ERP works, but it does work for the majority of people who commit themselves to it. If someone dives into a pool of water, for example, they will often feel cold. But if they stay in the water (even though they want to get out!), their body will somehow naturally adjust and they will feel more comfortable. Similarly, if the OCD sufferer systematically and regularly faces the worst obsessions (thoughts or images), he will almost always find them less disturbing even though still unwanted. There are other theories of how ERP works, but it does work for the majority of people who commit themselves to it.


In work with ERP, I systematically and gradually expose you (with your permission!) to the situations you have been avoiding until your fear eventually subsides. We work together closely on this, so that the work is challenging but not overwhelming.  At the same time, we block your understandable tendency to avoid or ritualize.